Get in touch

Do you want to reach us, suggest a feature, talk to support or book a free demo of Venjue? Contact us today, and we'll do what we can to accommodate your needs

Introductory meeting
Schedule meeting

Choose a date that suits you where we can go over how Venjue works and how it'll suit your business.

Call us

If you want to talk with Venjue's team, call us at +45 70 60 21 10

We always wanna talk, whether or not you're already using Venjue, or if you want to get started. We'll gladly schedule a non-binding coffee meeting.

Account Support

We're here to help! If you're having technical difficulties, go to Support

Here you can give temporary access to your Venjue business, if you're in need of assistance.

General inquiries

Please fill out the form below to get in touch with us. We typically reply within an hour

We're ready to talk about partnerships, listen to feature suggestions or anything else regarding Venjue. Here we can also provide press kits, access to our API and more. Or send an email to